Thursday, April 1, 2010

Conversations with a 2 1/2 year old

Em: Mama I wan Dowa Juice
Me: Okay, Sweet Girl. I'll bring you some juice in your Dora cup.
Em: Can I have boobberries.
Me: No, we're about to eat. You can have blueberries after dinner.
Em: OH (in a high pitched, "I get it" voice.) UMMMM wan cheese.
Me: No snacks til after dinner. Do you want a grilled cheese sandwich?
Em: Yeah! Mama?
Me: Yes, Goose.
Em: Can wan Dowa snacks.
Me: Go outside with your juice until dinner is ready.
Em: OH, OK!! Bye, Mama, I luv you.
Painful I tell ya.

Emery wanted to go outside the other day and I said not, because she didn't have shoes or pants on. I went to the bathroom and she was outside. My blood boiled! I looked and she had her princess shoes one but no pants. I went outside to play with her. Pickin my battles, at least she had her shoes on.

She's a nut, one last story. On your way to school:
Me: Em where you going today?
Em: Shcool. (I didn't misspell that) Mama, where's Etan?
Me: Em where is Ethan, baby?
Em: New class.
Me: Yes, Ethan is in a new class with new friends.
Em: YAY!
This happens ten times on the way to school. Ethan hasn't been in her class for months!!! He went to a new school closer to his house!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Home Sweet Home

It was official in August. I am a homeowner!!! Me and Emery moved out of Gram and Grady's into our own digs... (pause for a moment of silence). It sure is different. But we adjusted well and it turns out I am a pretty good mom :) But here are a few pics of the new casa. I can't find one of the front of the house but this is what I have so far.
New Entertainment center! One of my first big purchases!
The backyard, now complete with swing set!! Thank you Grady, Gram, Courtney, and Chase. I'm sure the chicken ranch tacos were not enough to repay you for all the work ya'll did.
Emery loves her backyard but hates stuff on her feet

Kitchen from the living room

My little "office" section in the playroom.
Playroom. I always wanted Em to have a playroom!!! This one is perfect!!

Em's bathroom. One of the first room fully decorated.
More pictures to come later. We love it here. Angel, however, did not adjust as well. She still has her moments... I no longer want to sell her for free. We miss Gram and Grady but luckily they are close enough we see them a lot and they still keep Emery the nights that I work.... praise the Lord for Gram and Grady. I don't know what I would do without them.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Birthday Number 2!!

Here are pictures from the day of Emery's second birthday. It was perfect! We had a family party at Giddy and Gram's pool. Here is a photo montage of what we did. I'll post more favorite pictures later. But this should get the point across that I'm serious about posting :)

And I'm proud of my photoshop skills! :)

Playing catch up!!

Everyone is updating and it's making me feel guilty. I'm gonna attempt to catch up on a few things. First Emery turned two!! Second, I bought a house!!! It's been a busy fall finding a new routine and adjusting. Emery did great, the dog on the other hand... well, she's still for sale. :)

Here's my big girl a few days before the big two!This is the goof ball. She was barely talking at this point.

Aunt Courtney gave her a sit n spin! She loves it! She spins on it pretty fast now. The button on tops plays five different techno songs, of course, that's Emery's favorite part.

Aunt Courtney trying to teach Emery how to use it!

Thank you Aunt Court, We love you!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Water Baby

My kid loves the water!!! Any kind of water, bath, pool, water park, and now water hose. Here is a recap of her love with water.

Emery LOVES bath time!! Now she likes to lay down in the bathtub and put her ears under the water.

She's been in swimming lessons since 5 months old. She is a waterbaby graduate!

The other night it was muggy out so me and Em decided it was time to play in the water!

Becoming one with nature... yeah she's drinking the water. After the pic was taken I informed her this was not acceptable.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ode To Aunt Kristy

I owe my new blog design to my sister Kristy. She did awesome!! And she did it in less than an hour!! She is amazing at the creative stuff. When I was younger she made animals and crafts out of colored glue sticks!! I know, she has such a talent. She also made all of us quilts for Christmas this past year... only my sister. More importantly she is a great Aunt. Emery LOVES Aunt Kristy. Probably because my sister spoils Emery rotten... what comes around, goes around :) We love you Aunt Kristy and you mean so much to us!

And thank you for this super cute outfit!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


We had our last day of swimming at Emler. (tear tear). I am so excited we will now have all day Thursday free!!! Mot and Gram (my grandmother and mom) made it out for our last lesson. My mom took these pics.

Sweet Girl ready to swim

Up and Down... Splash, splash, splash
Chasing balls in the motorboat

Kick, Kick, Kick for the green ball!

Emery loves Ms. Liz!!

Because she gives her M&M's after she does so GREAT!

Sinkies in the bucket!

Diving for a sinkie!

She loves the magic carpet!

And floating on her back and getting her ears under water.

Doin the monkey walk on the wall.

Blowing bubbles

Back to play with the sinkies!

Goofy Girl

"We all jump in on Ready, GO!"

Barbell kicking

Em's favorite part is going down the slide

And holding her breath for 10 seconds

THis baby loves to swim!!

No matter how much we love it, we're glad it's over and we have our Thursdays back to play with friends!!